Policy programme


The following policy statement serves as an orientation for the work of the BGG. It provides an overview of the goals and tasks of our association to all persons interested in genealogy in the Mark Brandenburg, to the public, and to our members.

1. Goal and purpose of the association

  • The BGG „Roter Adler“ is the association of all individuals and institutions interested in geneaological research in the historic Mark Brandenburg, and it is politically independent.
  • The goal is the maintenance and encouragement of genealogical and the interrelated regional history of education, science, culture, and research in the area of historical Mark Brandenburg.
  • Privat and organized genealogists and people interested in family research provide an important contribution to historical and sociological science, education, and research as well as the endowment and preservation of identity in the populace.
  • The BGG advocates for member interests which are connected to the tasks of the by-laws.
  • The BGG supports the empowerment and distribution of scientific-based genealogical research and promotes the public interest and comprehension of genealogy and related disciplines.
  • The BGG is a member in the Dachverband Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Genealogischer Verbände (DAGV) and in the Association for Computer Genealogy (Verein für Computergenealogie (CompGen) e.V.), thereby providing mutual benefits with its efforts.
  • The BGG neither runs nor supports commercial activities and endeavors within and outside of the tasks of the by-laws.

2. Research and documentation goals

The BGG supports its members in active genealogical research and documentation in particular with:

  • A closed mailing list for internal information exchange,
  • Integration of the existing, open mailing lists Brandenburg-L and Neumark-L,
  • Establishing and mediating possibilities for safe archiving/deposit of research results (archive/library),
  • Establishing genealogical research points which take up regional or thematic focus of the goals of the articles,
  • Coordinating existing and future genealogical research by e.g. mapping sources and family trees,
  • Publishing the internal periodical „Brandenburgische Genealogische Nachrichten“,
  • Publishing the annual „Brandenburgisches Genealogisches Jahrbuch“ to document research results,
  • Establishing and maintaining the internet home page as research and communications portal.

3. Educational and public relations goals

The BGG conducts genealogical and related education and public relations in particular with:

  • Publishing and distributing the „Brandenburgischen Genealogischen Jahrbuchs“, the goal of which is to make the work of the BGG accessible to a wider audience, as well as the quarterly “Brandenburgische Genealogische Nachrichten”, as well as other publications in the BGG publishing house as a non-profil special-purpose enterprise.
  • Developing and publishing press releases on the issues of family history, personalia, and regional history.
  • Contacting and maintaining contact with cultural and science editors of newspapers and publications on genealogical issues.
  • Participating in and arranging family and regional history events.
  • Developing and presenting family and regional history talks and seminars.

4. Cooperation goals with other institutions and organizations

The BGG forms the cooperation with other genealogical institutions and organizations in particular with:

  • Membership in the Dachverband Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Genealogischer Verbände (DAGV),
  • Membership in the Verein für Computergenealogie (CompGen) e.V.,
  • Contacting and maintaining contact to neighboring genealogical associations as well as associations related to the research area and regional and homeland history,
  • Starting and maintaining cooperation with associations and institutions related to the issue of Brandenburg’s regional history.

(revised version 2020, translated Feb2022)