Homepage work completed – more security, new metasearch, new databases

Finally, the time has come: The maintenance and renewal work on our homepage has been completed. In the last days, in addition to extensive work on the security of our homepage, the meta-search has been fundamentally renewed and two new database projects have been integrated. We apologise for the longer break that was necessary.
The meta-search now awaits our users with extended search options – both in terms of the number of searchable databases and the variants of the search term. External databases are not yet searchable. However, corresponding basic necessities for a future integration of external databases have already been taken into account.
Two new database projects have now been started:
In the “Data Collection Jewish Genealogy”, various directories and lists on the topic of “Jewish Genealogy” will be made available for research in the future. To start with, we are making available 2,700 data records from the “Supplement to the 40th edition of the Official Gazette of the Königl. Kurmärkische Regierung” from 1812, which contains the old and new names, place of residence and occupation or status of the Jews who wanted to become Prussian citizens at the time. This data was collected by Klaus Boas.
With the project “Land records / Cadastres, Tax Lists and Dike Rolls” we are starting a collection of various sources for genealogical research. To start with, the Prignitz cadastre and various dyke rolls from the Oderbruch with a total of over 6,400 data records are available here. We would like to thank Norbert Seyer for the collection and provision of the Prignitz cadastre data. The dike rolls were recorded by Christian Jantc.
Both new databases are also searchable via the metasearch.
All new functions have been extensively tested. All new functions have been extensively tested. Should errors nevertheless occur during the research, which we have not noticed due to the enormous amount of search possibilities, please inform us at webredaktion(at)bggroteradler.de.