The counties of the province of Brandenburg (1900)
The historical landscapes | Names of the counties | Area size in km² | Residents | County towns | Number of | ||
towns | villages | Manor districts | |||||
A. Berlin | |||||||
Mittelmark | 1. Stkr. Berlin | 63,5 | 1.884.151 | – | 1 | – | – |
B. Administrative district Potsdam | |||||||
Uckermark | 1. Prenzlau | 1.133,2 | 59.328 | Prenzlau | 3 | 68 | 103 |
Uckermark | 2. Templin | 1 435,5 | 47.148 | Templin | 3 | 71 | 75 |
Uckermark | 3. Angermünde | 1.307,2 | 64.576 | Angermünde | 6 | 70 | 67 |
Mittelmark | 4. Oberbarnim | 1.213,4 | 92.097 | Freienwalde | 5 | 97 | 64 |
Mittelmark | 5. Niederbarnim | 1.741,1 | 292.966 | Berlin | 4 | 114 | 64 |
Mittelmark | 6. StKr. Charlottenburg | – | 189.290 | – | 1 | – | – |
Mittelmark | 7. Teltow | 1.642,3 | 268.216 | Berlin | 6 | 131 | 61 |
Mittelmark | 8. StKr. Schöneberg | – | 96.059 | – | 1 | – | – |
Mittelmark | 9. StKr. Rixdorf | – | 90.360 | – | 1 | – | – |
Mittelmark | 10. Beeskow-Storkow | 1.246,3 | 44.596 | Beeskow | 3 | 117 | 62 |
Mittelmark | 11. Jüterbog-Luckenwalde | 1.324,7 | 71.210 | Jüterbog | 4 | 114 | 47 |
Mittelmark | 12. Zauch-Belzig | 1.921,7 | 80.643 | Belzig | 6 | 150 | 70 |
Mittelmark | 13. StKr. Potsdam | – | 59.814 | – | 1 | – | – |
Mittelmark | 14. StKr. Spandau | – | 65.014 | – | 1 | – | – |
Mittelmark | 15. Osthavelland | 1.191,1 | 73.052 | Nauen | 4 | 78 | 63 |
Mittelmark | 16. StKr. Brandenburg | – | 49.263 | – | 1 | – | – |
Mittelmark | 17. Westhavelland | 1.213,5 | 63.655 | Rathenow | 5 | 75 | 59 |
Mittelmark | 18. Ruppin | 1.771,9 | 77.766 | Neu-Ruppin | 7 | 126 | 92 |
Prignitz | 19. Ostprignitz | 1.882,2 | 67.367 | Kyritz | 4 | 139 | 75 |
Prignitz | 20. Westprignitz | 1.460,0 | 76.799 | Perleberg | 6 | 144 | 74 |
The entire district contains | 20.638,8 | 1.929.219 | – | 70 | 1.496 | 976 | |
C. Administrative district Frankfurt | |||||||
Neumark i.e.S. | 1. Königsberg | 1.534,1 | 95.209 | Königsberg | 8 | 96 | 72 |
Neumark i.e.S. | 2. Soldin | 1.145,9 | 47.082 | Soldin | 4 | 53 | 60 |
Neumark i.e.S. | 3. Arnswalde | 1.264,0 | 42.332 | Arnswalde | 3 | 56 | 56 |
Neumark i.e.S. | 4. Friedebegr | 1.101,4 | 55.126 | Friedeberg | 3 | 89 | 35 |
Neumark i.e.S. | 5. Landsberg | 1.211,5 | 58.437 | Landsberg | – | 120 | 30 |
Neumark i.e.S. | 6. StKr. Landsberg | – | 33.597 | – | 1 | – | – |
Mittelmark | 7. Lebus | 1.574,3 | 91.308 | Seelow | 6 | 127 | 78 |
Mittelmark | 8. StKr. Frankfurt | – | 61.835 | – | 1 | – | – |
Neumark i.w.S. | 9. Weststernberg | 1.147,7 | 44.048 | Drossen | 3 | 62 | 40 |
Neumark i.w.S. | 10. Oststernberg | 1.102,6 | 47.637 | Zielenzig | 5 | 74 | 33 |
Neumark i.w.S. | 11. Züllichau-Schwiebus | 915,7 | 48.727 | Züllichau | 3 | 79 | 75 |
Neumark i.w.S. | 12. Krossen | 1.307,8 | 59.336 | Krossen | 3 | 93 | 57 |
Niederlausitz | 13. Guben | 1.076,6 | 43.187 | Guben | 1 | 116 | 60 |
Niederlausitz | 14. StKr. Guben | – | 33.096 | – | 1 | – | – |
Niederlausitz | 15. Lübben | 1.039,0 | 33.701 | Lübben | 3 | 84 | 34 |
Niederlausitz | 16. Luckau | 1.294,4 | 67.547 | Luckau | 6 | 144 | 72 |
Niederlausitz | 17. Kalau | 998,2 | 78.894 | Kalau | 5 | 156 | 99 |
Neumark i.w.S. | 18. Kottbus | 835,4 | 54.357 | Kottbus | 1 | 95 | 59 |
Neumark i.w.S. | 19. StKr. Kottbus | – | 39.327 | – | 1 | – | – |
Niederlausitz | 20. Sorau | 1.239,0 | 82.429 | Sorau | 5 | 144 | 107 |
Niederlausitz | 21. StKr. Forst | – | 32.041 | – | 1 | – | – |
Niederlausitz | 22. Spremberg | 310,1 | 29.479 | Spremberg | 1 | 140 | 27 |
The entire district contains | 19.195,5 | 1.178.732 | – | 65 | 1629 | 993 |
Source: Beuermann/Heinze: Landeskunde Preußens: Die Provinz Brandenburg, Verlag Spemann, Berlin & Stuttgart 1901, S. 148
Link to the historical map of the Mark Brandenburg around 1900